Go Ahead and Order Those Fuel Rims for Your Truck and Come Back to Read this Article
Posted by Bobby Shell on 23rd Jun 2015
In our last post , we were discussing celebrities who choose to drive a truck over one of those sports cars or a luxury car. In fact, we even threw around a couple of names. Well, for your reading pleasure, we will further discuss those celebrities who prefer to drive a truck. So go ahead and order those Fuel rims for your truck and come back to finish this article. After all, we wouldn’t want to take you away from shopping truck rims.
In our last post, we spoke highly of John Goodman and Tatum Channing because of their awesome taste in the vehicles they choose to drive. Now let’s show some love for John Mayer.
We just heard the sound of dropping jaws. For those who are finding this hard to believe, it is quite true, John Mayer drives a truck. There are those who like his music and those who hate it and we know he is not the most liked musician around, but the man does drive the right kind of vehicle. John Mayer may not be a country star, but he still drives a truck. So, at least he has that going for him.
Though she may not be a true celebrity, Bristol Palin is still a familiar figure to many. And regardless of any thoughts you might have on her, you cannot deny her taste in vehicles. You see, Bristol drives a truck, so at least there is one good thing you can say about her.
Driving a truck is cool, driving a truck with Fuel wheels is even cooler. Seeing a celebrity driving a truck with Fuel rims is the coolest thing you will see.