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Hostile Wheels and Online Dating

22nd May 2017

Hostile Wheels and Online Dating

There was a time not all that long ago when men would wash their pickup trucks on Saturday afternoon, polish up their Grid wheels, Hostile wheels or whatever truck wheels they happen to be sporting and would head out to the “cruising strip” on Saturday night.

The purpose behind this ceremony would be to catch up with their buddies and socialize and try to impress the girls with their shiny trucks. Basically, cruising the streets on a Saturday night was, in essence, a male mating ritual. It was a way to meet women and hopefully get a date. And if a relationship blossomed, well, you had your truck to thank for that.

Anyway, that was a long time ago and things have certainly changed. While men still shine up their trucks and truck wheels, they rely on the internet to meet women.

The only problem is that this isn’t working out so well for a lot of guys. Finding love these days is harder than ever. With all of the technology and access to people through the internet, you would think meeting someone would be a piece of cake.

One reasons why it’s so hard to meet someone online is because you have to present yourself for who you are, you can try to hide behind something but it doesn't work that way. You see, when you are cruising the strip, girls see a cute looking dude driving an awesome truck with some killer truck wheels. They are intrigued and want to meet you.

But these very same women see something totally different online. They don't see the awesome truck or the cute dude driving it. They see a dating profile that includes awkward pictures, vague self-descriptions and a short essay about what type of person he is looking for. Hardly a way to get started on the right foot.

We aren’t saying there is a problem with the guy or with the girl for that matter, the problem lies in the whole concept of online dating. It is a disaster waiting to happen. Here are a few reasons why.

You Stink at Marketing Yourself

Let’s face it, in order to land a date online, you have to know how to market yourself, like a professional. It’s all about your dating profile and if that sucks, then the chances of you growing old and lonely escalate exponentially.

Stop for a moment and consider how nature deals with romance. Pick any species and it’s likely that the male woos a female in any number of ways including mating dances, making obnoxious noises or showing off an impressive plume of feathers. There is no other species that has to write a blurb describing themselves and post pictures of themselves engaging in fun and healthy activities to get a date.

Driving your shiny truck with the shiny wheels up and down the cruising strip was the equivalent of a mating dance, revealing an impressive plume of feathers and making obnoxious noises all in one.

All Text and No Talk Makes Jack a Dull Boy

Men hate texting. Make no doubt about it, men hate having to hold a conversation using only the written word. Much of this is because it’s hard enough for men to convey their thoughts and feeling in verbal words, texting how we feel is just ridiculous.

Email and chatting are just as bad, all ways in which men and women on online dating sites start off in communications. You can be talking to a woman and say something rather stupid, it’s going to happen after all, but that can be quickly waxed over and soon forgotten. When you slap your stupidity all over a text message or email, that is a lot harder to overcome.

In the real world, you talk to women face to face, as they are admiring your shiny truck. You use words like “check out my truck” or “How are you doing” to make a lasting impression.

Too Many Choices

While there's certainly a lot of competition among males on the cruising strip, the competition on online dating sites in just too much to overcome.

In the real world, there is a limit, an end point if you will. That is, there are only so many guys cruising this particular strip on Saturday night or there are only X amount of single guys in this nightclub. But a number of guys on online dating sites is just plain ridiculous.

It’s Too Late When You Realize You Made a Bad Decision

Internet dating offers an array of potential date choices. And when you meet someone online, you go through this period of getting to know each other better. And of course, this is done through chatting, emails or texting.

The problem with this is that it is quite difficult, if not downright impossible to really gauge a person. It is so hard to know that person on a deeper level, to get an idea of a real personality. You see, when you aren't talking to somebody face to face, it is quite easy to cover up how crazy you really are.

So what happens is when you actually meet your date for some one-on-one time, you discover you have been texting with a crazy woman, and now you're stuck having to at least go through the rest of the date.

The old fashioned way was better. You could spot crazy a mile away, before she even has a chance to hop into your truck.

And that leads us to our last heading:


We aren’t talking about girls who lie per se. We are talking about women who post pictures of themselves from 12 years ago when they were 65 pounds lighter. Or the ones who studied math and know the perfect angle to take a picture of themselves which in no way represents a shred of reality.

No sir, we don't want to judge potential dates by a few selfies, we want to see them in the flesh, er, so to speak.