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​Men Love Shopping Fuel Wheels; Everything Else, Not So Much

4th May 2018

Few things in men's lives flood them with as much despair as when they walk into a store just to browse around and see if they can find anything nice at a decent price.

It takes everything we have got not to stop at the front entrance, fall down and crumple up into a ball rocking back and forth. Can you hear that? It's Carl in aisle 14 in menswear sobbing in terror.

The truth of the matter is that most males don’t like options very much, unless it’s a choice between a set of Fuel wheels and a set of Ballistic wheels at BB Wheels, that we can handle.

We have a few examples for you. Men will never take you to a restaurant that has a menu over 6 pages. Ideally, a menu that can fit on a 5x6 foot chalkboard is best, the fewer the choices, the better.

And shoes? God help us if we are ever stranded in Payless, we would literally drown just looking at the rows of shoes.

Men don't like options because options mean having to make a choice. And when we make choices, it always seems to be the wrong one.

For example, if asked which store to hit first at the mall, we always choose Auntie Anne’s Pretzels. Yet, somehow, we never manage to get there.

If you have any doubts about our poor shopping skills, just send any dude into the grocery store with a $20 bill and ask him to buy a loaf of bread and a gallon of milk. About an hour later he will come out of the store, soaking wet in his own flop-sweat, with a box of Fruity Pebbles and barbecue stains on his shirt. Oh yeah, he won't have any change left either.

You can ask him for an explanation, but you won't get one.

It’s our best guess that he was somehow blinded by the heating lamp lights in the deli section while eating free samples of chicken wings dunked in Sweet Baby Ray’s barbecue sauce and couldn’t find the bread aisle.

There are also things you have to do when you shop that men inherently hate.

Trying Things On

Men can look at a pair of pants and know within seconds whether or not it’s going to fit. Trying clothes on is a waste of time. We see no joy in getting undressed in a tiny room that has a door that doesn't go all the way to the floor.


While men will buy a set of wheels online, women will spend hours at Macy’s trying on any piece of clothing they can get their hands on. And since they tried it on, they should know it fits. Yet, inevitably, they wind up returning a portion of their spoils. There must be some sort of thrill in returning items that men just don’t get.


For hundreds of thousands of years, humans lived as hunter-gatherers. That is, we survived by hunting animals and foraging for edible plants, fruits and nuts.

The men were the hunters, we basically just went out each day and killed things. We weren't all that picky about what we killed either, as long as you could eat it.

It was the women’s job to gather. That is, they would spend their days gathering the foods we eat that don't need to be killed first. Here is the thing; they had to pick things that wouldn’t make us sick or kill us. They had to make the right choices.

Imagine if the roles were switched, you might not be here reading this right now.

Shopping for Wheels

There are a few things men don’t mind shopping for. This small list includes sporting goods, camping supplies, girl scout cookies and truck wheels. Research shows that men get bored of shopping at around 26 minutes, so if you don't find that set of golf clubs we want right away, we will give up on that as well.

Big Spenders

Men are a little better when shopping big-ticket items, like cars and truck wheels. At least, we have a little more patience. And shopping for a new car is a little more complicated than just picking the blue one because it matches our eyes. So give us credit for that.

And there you have it; the reasons why men hate shopping. Unless, of course, it’s for truck wheels at BB Wheels. Shop now.