
​Monster Wheels and Bad Days

24th Aug 2017

Monster Wheels and Bad Days

Somewhere out there in this world, there is an enormous scale of problems that include tomatoes on your burger when you specifically asked for no tomatoes or a zombie apocalypse when you are totally out of ammo for your zombie killing gun.

All kidding aside, there are just some things that occur in our everyday lives that just seem to ruin our whole day. In some cases, these things can ruin an entire week. And while there are those who scoff at our misfortunes and mock them as being “first-world problems,” they are real to us and can be so bad as to set off tears, real tears mind you.

Flat Tire

There is nothing worse than opening your garage door, gazing at your Monster or Raceline wheels and noticing you have a flat tire. That just ruins your whole day.

This is because dealing with a flat tire is always an exhausting experience. First, flat tires only seem to occur when you are headed out to work or for another important mission. You never just randomly notice you have a flat tire right before a trip to Walmart.

Changing out a tire can be a major problem, especially if you are on the side of a busy road in adverse weather conditions. In fact, there is really no good time or place to have a flat tire.


Yes, a toothache will ruin your entire day, even if it is minor and temporary. This is because when you have a toothache, one of two things will happen for sure. The toothache will be so painful and intense that you have no choice but to drop everything and seek immediate treatment. That, or it will be minor and temporary so you will ignore it until it turns into a toothache that is super painful and intense and you will be forced to have to deal with it immediately.

And no matter how many times you promise yourself not to ever let this happen again, you will still ignore any early signs of a toothache.

Run Out of Hot Water While Showering

Two seconds ago, you were standing under the shower enjoying a hot stream of refreshing water on your soapy body and suddenly, BAM, you are shivering in a surge of ice-cold water. It really makes you want to yell at someone.

One Word Text Response

You just spent the better part of your work break diligently composing a text to your significant other spelling out the many reasons your love is a true love. It was a work of art, Pulitzer prize material to be sure. You finish punching out the words on your iPhone, sit back in your chair, close your eyes and smile as you hit the send button.

After all of that effort, you get a response: And it’s only one word. Perhaps this is not true love.

Not Getting What You Ordered

You have been craving sesame chicken from your favorite Chinese takeout place all day long. You scarfed down a nasty bran muffin for breakfast, ate a rather bland tuna sandwich for lunch and now, now you cannot wait to sink your teeth into the succulent goodness that is the sesame chicken in the funky container with the waving kitty on the top sitting in front of you right now.

You open up the cardboard box only to discover someone messed up your order and gave you lemongrass tofu instead. It makes you want to scream.

Bluetooth Headsets

First of all, let us start off by saying anyone who still uses a Bluetooth headset is a tool. That is as bad as having a phone case attached to your belt. Seriously, get up to date, man.

Nothing can ruin your day as much as when you think some random person in the office building or stranger in Walmart is talking to you when in reality, they are talking to someone on their Bluetooth-enabled phone.

The embarrassing moment comes when you actually utter some sort of response, only to discover the words were not guided at you. It is all the more embarrassing when it happens in a crowded place. It really wants to make you hurt somebody.