Nitto Terra Grappler Tires and Going to the Gym
21st Aug 2017
If you need an excuse to go to the gym and get a little exercise, chances are you are both lazy and out of shape. We say this knowing that your midsection resembles a tire, a Nitto Terra Grappler tire.
But that’s alright, we aren't here to judge you. We are just here to motivate you. After all, you aren't the only person out there who is slacking when it comes to getting the recommended amount of weekly exercise.
We understand that going to the gym can be intimidating. After all, it is probably a bit uncomfortable doing squats and sit-ups in your jean shorts and a cut-off tee shirt.
But we will leave the discussion about proper gym wear for another time. Today, we are going to give you reasons you need to go to the gym.
It’s Healthy
Driving around in your truck all day is no way to stay in shape. And if you know what is good for you, you will do what you can to stay as healthy as possible. Consider this; would you rather spend your hard-earned money and truck wheels and other goodies for your truck or on medical procedures because you are unhealthy?
Look, the gym isn’t a magic place, you can't just walk in, sit down and expect good things to happen. You need to make an effort, you need to lift those weights and use the machines they have if you expect to get anywhere.
You Will Feel Good About Yourself
You might feel pretty good about yourself while cruising through town in your truck, but when you step out, that is when everybody sees the real you. And nobody is impressed.
Sure, there was a time, back in the day, when you had well-defined arms and little flab on your body. But things have gone south since then, especially considering your constant diet of fried foods and beer.
But the way you look can change by just heading to the gym a few time a week and getting a good workout.
Stress Relief
The old 9 to 5 grind has you feeling down. Perhaps, you are having a difficult time with the spouse or girlfriend. Either way, it still adds a whole bunch of stress to your life, which you don’t really need.
So go hit the gym. By treating your body to a healthy dose of exercise, you are also treating your mind. You will walk out of that gym with a euphoric feeling and a smile on your face. Throwing weights around and gaining muscle mass does wonders for a stressed-out mood.
Make Friends
Sure, you hang with a group of pretty decent fellows, but that is not to say it would do you any harm if you were to meet and make some new friends.
The gym is a great place to socialize and meet new and like-minded people. There is a chance you could meet a future best friend at the gym.
Improved Relationships
People like sexy, there is just no way around it. We all like being around people who are sexy and look good and by going to the gym, you are working on your sex appeal.
When you go to the gym and start getting sexy looking, people will notice and you will start to feel that much more confident in yourself. It really is a kick in the butt for your self-esteem.
Just think about how much better your relationship with your spouse will be when you workout and become even sexier. More so than you are right now.
Live Longer
We don’t know about you, but we think living longer is a pretty darn good reason to go to the gym more often. If anything, living longer means you get to buy more truck wheels and all of the other cool things you so enjoy.
Of course, this is something you can't put off indefinitely. That is, you can’t wait for a long time before you start going to the gym if you wish to live a long and healthy life, it just doesn't happen that way.
Also, to improve your odds of living to a ripe old age, you also need to eat right. So put down that Twinkie and start on the path to a healthy lifestyle today.