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Suffering Midlife Crisis? Buy Fuel Wheels

29th Jun 2018

Midlife crisis- An emotional crisis of identity and self-confidence that can occur in middle age.

That, our friends, is what Wikipedia has to say about a midlife crisis. Of course, there is much more to it than that, as any comedian will joke about. Donald Ritchie, for example, sums up midlife crisis as something that begins in your 40s when you look back at your life and think, “Is that all?”

A midlife crisis may be a joke or a cliche, but getting through one is no laughing matter. Especially if you are the one who trades their pickup truck for a Porsche. Look, forget the Porsche, you will be much happier keeping the truck and buying a new set of Fuel wheels from BB Wheels.

Anyway, life is basically a roller coaster ride and you never know what is going to happen next. And as soon as you start to feel comfortable in your own skin, it gets old and wrinkly and that makes you sad and nervous and lacking a little self-confidence.

But know this; a midlife crisis isn't just about buying a sports car, going bald or feeling threatened by the younger generation, there is much more to it than that. Here are a few signs that indicate you might be heading for a midlife crisis.

You Come to the Realization That You are Due for a Prostate Exam

It can be difficult when you come to the realization that you should make sure you stay healthy. There are any number of ways in which you can die, but this never really concerns you until you reach a certain age.

Prostate exams and colonoscopies are dreaded procedures sure to cause embarrassment, but it could mean a matter of life or death.

People are Passing You While Driving

How did that happen? You might not consider yourself a particularly slow driver, yet all of the sudden you notice that people are passing you on the road.

What has happened is easily explainable. You are no longer a careless kid always in a hurry to get somewhere. You notice how others drive and wish they would be more careful. It’s horrifying, you have turned into “that guy” now.

Get Off My Lawn!

Another sign of a midlife crisis is when you realize crotchety old man syndrome is starting to creep in on you. And while you aren't constantly grumbling to yourself and calling children “whippersnappers,” it still gets your blood pressure up when kids trample through your freshly-mowed yard.

The respect you have for the things you have and own has gone up considerably. And the way you figure, everyone else should respect your stuff as well.

10 pm is Way Past Your Bedtime

There was a time when you could party like an animal until 2 am and still get up for work at 6 am without so much as a small headache and pasty mouth. But now you need a full eight or nine hours of uninterrupted sleep to function properly throughout the day.

Of course, you are also probably way more productive now than you were back in the day.

You Know Your Cholesterol Numbers

Not only do you know what your cholesterol levels are, you are actually concerned about them.

The days when you could eat anything you wanted and it didn't matter a bit are long gone. Please pass the kale salad and butternut squash soup.

You Make Rash Decisions

As a result of recent soul searching, you have discovered some interesting solutions to some of the problems in your life. Your job isn't as fulfilling as it once was, so you quit. You didn’t even give them two weeks notice.

The problem with this type of knee-jerk reaction is that most of the time you will be left in a worse scenario than what you are currently experiencing. So we can safely say that divorcing your wife because your marriage isn't as romantic as it once was will not make you happier.

And we can guarantee that a Porsche isn't going to make you the least bit happier.

So go to BB Wheels instead and order a set of truck wheels. It will make you feel better about yourself.