There is a Very Good Reason You Own a Truck With a Spectacular Set of Moto Metal Wheels
Posted by Bobby Shell on 4th Nov 2015
There is a very good reason you own a truck with a spectacular set of Moto Metal Wheels, it is because you don’t want to own a luxury car. We see the articles all the time, the ten best reasons to own a luxury car and blah, blah, blah. We also see the ads in the popular magazines and on websites where the dude is all cool and stuff because he drives a luxury car. And how about those silly commercials that insinuate you are less of a man if you don’t drive a luxury car, puleeze! Here is a list of reasons NOT to own a luxury car.
You hear it all over, there is just a certain prestige that comes with owning a luxury car. Basically, what they are really saying is if you drive a luxury car, you are rich and important. Unless you feel this need to intimidate people with your wealth, there is simply no reason to impress with a car. Besides, a truck can be just as intimidating as a BMW, and a lot more fun to drive.
When you take your luxury car out on the town on a Saturday night, you will probably spend more time worrying about it than actually enjoying it. You park it to step into a great restaurant for a bite to eat, but you will worry the entire time that somebody is going to scratch it, steal it or admire it in your absence. What a waste.
When a truck need to be serviced, it can be taken to any number of auto repair shops. When the clutch fails on your sports car, you have to drive 50 miles to find a repair shop that deals with your manufacturer.
Really, there is not a good reason to own a luxury car.