V-Rock Wheels and Packing for a Camping Trip
21st May 2018
We know exactly what you are doing right at this very moment; you are dreaming about that camping trip you have planned for the upcoming three-day weekend. You are thinking about the burgers and dogs you are going to be grilling over the open fire, the long hikes you are going to take and the trails you are going to hit in your pickup truck.
To be truthful, you have been thinking about this camping trip for the last few weeks. In fact, your work has suffered because it’s all that is on your mind.
That’s fine, you will make up for it when you return to work next Tuesday.
In the meantime, you need to prepare a list of all of the things you need to bring with you on your camping trip. BB Wheels, your source for the best-priced V-Rock wheels, Verde Wheels and Level 8 wheels, offers you this handy list of camping supplies.
Let’s not forget that even though you are heading out on this camping trip at the end of May, the weather can still be an issue in many parts of the country. Heck, if you head to the high country in Colorado, there is still a chance you could encounter snow.
With that in mind, you need to pack clothes for all types of weather conditions. This means you need to ensure that you can stay warm, stay dry and stay protected from the wind.
Let’s not forget that it is still the end of May, which means you could experience some rather warm weather as well. So if you want to stay comfortable, make sure you bring along a pair of shorts.
Sleeping Bag
The type of sleeping bag depends on where you will be camping, the weather forecast and where you plan on sleeping at night.
For example, if you are sleeping directly under the stars on a mountain peak in Wyoming or Montana, then you need a sleeping bag rated for very cold temperatures.
If you are setting your sleeping bag up in your camper which is parked at a camping site in southern California, some cheapo sleeping bag from Walmart will do just fine.
Choosing the type of tent you will want for your camping trip is quite important. A good tent is of essence; a tent that is waterproof, big enough to hold the number of people in your group and is well-ventilated.
However, if you are in southern California in a camper, then it is unlikely you will need a tent.
There will be hardcore campers who will bring very little food and prefer to hunt or fish for their primary nutrition sources.
But that’s not you, so write this down.
You will want to bring all of the meat items you want to grill, like burgers and hot dogs. Obviously, you will need buns for those as well. But what you don't want to forget are the silly little things like ketchup and mustard and pickles. Forgetting pickles can totally ruin an otherwise excellent camping trip.
Make sure you pack up chips, dips and other snacks as well as side dishes for your burgers like potato salad or beans or whatever you prefer.
We have to include this on the list because there will be someone out there who will pack plenty of beer and soda, but totally forget to bring a single bottle of water.
First Aid Kit
We all hope for a safe camping trip, but you still want to be prepared for what could possibly happen. Even if you and your family manage to make it through the camping trip without a cut or a bruise, there is still the chance someone could suffer a bug bite, rash or sunburn.
Even if you don’t plan on doing any hiking, you should totally pack a backpack. A backpack will help you stay organized and is the perfect place to keep items like your first aid kit, firestarter and hats and gloves.
A backpack will come in very handy should there be an emergency and have to evacuate the campsite.
Don’t think that a campfire will be a sufficient form of lighting for your camping trip. You need to have at least one flashlight, if not more, plus extra batteries for your camping trip.
You don’t want to rely on your smartphone to get you out of a sticky situation should you get lost. As great as smartphones are with all of their neato apps, maps have one advantage over them; maps don't run out of juice and need recharging.
We are thinking that perhaps you need a new set of truck wheels for your camping trip. Check out what BB Wheels has to offer.