
Why So Many Men Drive Trucks with Cool Wheels, Like Fuel Wheels

31st Oct 2016

Americans have a very special connection with their cars and trucks. There has been this long-standing obsession with the freedom to select the right vehicle for your personality. Men, in particular, will lose sleep at night wondering which type of vehicle will best express their inner selves. Either that or they choose a car or truck that will give them the power to impress, or a vehicle that is fast or just plain looks cool. Which is why so many men drive trucks with cool wheels, like Fuel wheels.

But then there are men who make the wrong decision in the vehicles they buy and wind up driving something that is considered soft or dainty. In other words, chick cars that in no way should a dude be driving. And if you are wondering about these types of cars, here are a few you should never be caught driving.

Volkswagen Beetle

Unless you are a surfer living in California, men should never drive a VW Bug. We take that back, driving an original Beetle is acceptable, just barely, but under no circumstance should you be driving the new Beetles.

The reintroduced Beetles are stripped down chick cars with a trendy design and lacking in engine power. They are not rugged, they are not sporty, it is a car you should buy for your daughter when she graduates high school.

Now a Jetta, that is a pretty cool car, for your wife.


We don’t really care what type of minivan you drive; whether it’s a Chevy, Dodge or Ford, keep it parked in the garage. If you need a gallon of milk or a six pack of beer, you are better off riding your bike than driving a minivan to the store, even if it is your wife’s vehicle.

Even if you accessorize and add a set of Fuel wheels, the soccer club bumper sticker you couldn't scrape off still makes your minivan undrivable in public.

PT Cruiser

Nobody really knows what Chrysler was thinking when they developed the PT Cruiser. Some think it offers a modern twist on a classic design while others are sure it looks like their grandparent's station wagon with girth and poor design.

Perhaps there are those who take a look at the PT Cruiser and channel memories of America in the 1950s and 1960s. That’s fine, just don't drive it.

Fiat 500

If you ever happen to travel overseas, you will notice that Europeans drive small and sleek compact cars. Before you make fun of them for doing so, remember that European cities have been populated for centuries and modern roads are laid over ancient cart paths. The design of European cities has had a big impact in how they design cars.

That said, a Fiat 500 would look much more in place driving on a sidewalk than on an American road.

Mini Cooper

See above.

Dodge Neon

The name alone implies something a teenage girl would drive.

Check back and we will add to the list of vehicles men should never drive. 

In the meantime, order a new set of wheels for your truck from BB Wheels.