Drag Concepts
Appearing in the after-market wheel industry in 2004 out of California, Drag Concepts was born into the Pinnacle wheels family. Drag Concepts’ fundamental goal is to produce rims for car enthusiasts who like to drag, drift, or street race. With its wide range of finish options, including black, black machined, bronze, silver, and numerous rim options with pops of red and blue Drag Concepts have an extensive selection for numerous sports cars and sedans. Explore all the sizing options of Drag Concepts’ wheels in sizing intervals of 16” to 20”, to either upgrade your OEM sizing and add some style or upgrade to a larger size for a stunning ride on the road. Drag Concepts offers some of the trendiest spoke designs and craftsmanship in the industry today. If you want to learn more about Drag Concepts’ popular after-market rims, contact one of BB Wheels’ welcoming sales representatives today at 320-333-2155 or by chatting with a live sales agent right on our website! Our sales representatives will also be able to over all the financing options BB Wheels offers, not limited to interest rates as low as 0%, but also approval rates for customers with little to bad credit. Don’t let slide these astounding deals and rims Drag Concepts along with BB Wheels has to offer.